Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Facebook 50

With the development of technology and the increase in online users, social media marketing is the new trend. Many businesses are looking at social media sites as marketing tools for brand advertising. It is an inexpensive way to promote their business. And once their ads are online, they will spread like a wildfire of information with an almost unlimited potential for customers.
With more than 350 million users, Facebook is the most talked about social media site. I’m sure we all have an account on Facebook, or know someone who does.  Not only do some of us have a Facebook site but maybe we are somewhat addicted to the use of the site. How difficult is it, while we’re online, to constantly be checking for comments and to see what someone might have written on our wall?
When it started in 2004, Facebook was simply a place to connect with friends. Now it is serving many businesses and professionals as a marketing channel. There are many advantages to using Facebook. You can announce upcoming sales and promotions. You can receive comments and feedback from your brand’s ‘fans’ or buyers. For example, Pizza Hut has created an order application that allows you to place your order online from Facebook.
There is an interesting site The Big Money.com  that ranks the top 50 companies that are making the best use of Facebook. The top 3 on the list are Coca-Cola, Starbucks, and Disney. The ranking is based on various metrics such as the number of Facebook fans and the frequency with which the companies update their sites and the ability the companies exhibit in engaging their fans.
Facebook is doing so well and has become such a part of the fabric of life that the movie “The Social Network,” which will be coming out shortly, is all about the founding of Facebook.

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